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Miramar North Play Area

Revitalising Miramar North Play Area: A partnership between Park Supplies & Playgrounds and Wellington City Council

As one of the preferred playground partners of Wellington City Council, Park Supplies & Playgrounds was excited about the opportunity to transform one of the city’s oldest and most outdated playgrounds into a new and exciting destination for the children of Miramar North.

The previous playground structure was outdated and in dire need of an upgrade.
The previous playground structure was outdated and in dire need of an upgrade.

In mid-2022, Matthew Beres, Play Spaces Specialist at Wellington City Council, asked for community submissions regarding the initial playground upgrade
design. The aim was to create a more engaging and safer place for local children to play.

 Matthew reached out to Park Supplies & Playgrounds after working with them on a previous project. The Park Supplies &Playgrounds team worked with him to build a design brief and concept design, with safety, play value, and the community’s playground wish list in mind until a final design was reached.

“Park Supplies & Playgrounds once again demonstrated an ability to adjust the final design to reflect the predominant themes that came out of public
consultation”, Matthew said.

The construction was completed between April and July of 2023.

The new playground has a fresh, modern and natural look to it, made by the inclusion of our Nature Green PolyPlay panels.
The new playground has a fresh, modern and natural look to it, made by the inclusion of our Nature Green PolyPlay panels.
The revitalised play area also includes a Sensory Hut, a space for two to eight year old’s to engage their senses in a calming way.
The revitalised play area also includes a Sensory Hut, a space for two to eight year old’s to engage their senses in a calming way.

The new Sensory Hut, designed for children aged two to eight, is part of a range of Park Supplies & Playgrounds
products included in the new Miramar North Play area, aimed at engaging children’s senses in a calming and
engaging way. This equipment provides children with a break from the more traditional playground activities,
catering to their busy brains and bodies.

Other modern elements like the Minidome Spinner, which is a modern version of the traditional merry-go-round, have become popular additions to the play area.

Picnic tables were added to the design to provide a space where friends and families could gather while children played. The addition of trees, plantings,
fencing and paths have given the play area a contemporary and modern feel.

Key safety upgrades included new safety surfacing throughout the playspace. A mixture of wood chips, wetpour and synthetic ‘grass’ were selected. Synthetic grass was used to provide accessibility, with wetpour rubber used in high wear areas. Woodchip was then used through the remainder of the playground for its natural sustainable component and to reduce the heat of the play surface where possible.

The new swing set with a mixture of synthetic grass and wetpour rubber surfacing.
The new swing set with a mixture of synthetic grass and wetpour rubber surfacing.
The new play area includes a Sensory Hut, Curved Leg Swing 2 Bay and Minidome Spinner.
The new play area includes a Sensory Hut, Curved Leg Swing 2 Bay and Minidome Spinner.

“It was appreciated that Park Supplies & Playgrounds committed to a hands on approach to the build, having a representative on site regularly, leading the project” Matthew said.

Despite the addition of modern play elements, the Miramar North Play Area still features traditional Kiwi essentials such as swings and a tower slide that have been updated and improved to enhance this valuable neighbourhood asset.

The partnership between Park Supplies & Playgrounds and Wellington City Council has created an exciting and engaging play area for the children of Miramar North. By prioritising safety, play value, and community engagement, the new Miramar North Play Area offers a range of modern play elements that cater to children’s diverse needs and interests. 

The addition of picnic tables has created a community space where families and friends can gather and watch children play. Through this successful collaboration, Park Supplies & Playgrounds has proven its value as a primary council contractor and demonstrated its commitment to comprehensive consultation and design processes.

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