Tailored designs for specific sites or projects, we can help you transform any area into an engaging playspace.
We Can Help You Design Amazing Playspaces
We can help with:
- Comprehensive playspaces including renewals and upgrades of existing playgrounds
- All-inclusive and accessible equipment and spaces
- Design and construction of fitness circuits
- Transformation of neglected and underutilised spaces
- Creation of dynamic outdoor learning environments
- Development of immersive nature trails
- Collaborative designs with local Whenua to create culturally-inspired māra hūpara playspaces
Larissa - Senior Playspace Designer
“I believe the most important factor when designing spaces for children is adding as much play value into a space as possible. Playgrounds in schools and communities are such an important resource for children’s learning, development, and social connections, that as a designer we want to provide a play space with the highest amount of play value. This means not just providing a design that looks great on paper or a design that looks good for adults, but one that offers an exciting, interesting space to explore and experience, one that functions and delivers as much as possible for its community.”
Ben - Lead Playground Designer
Ben’s design focus is on structure and equipment design, with many years experience in the play industry Ben brings a wealth of practical knowledge.
This ensures well made, usable playgrounds and equipment that provides not just fun and imagination, but also ensures challenge and physical development for all children.

Simply contact us to start planning your next project, or if you prefer browse our products online and create your own enquiry cart!

Mobile: 021 822 676
Phone: 09 527 4666
Email: jenny@parksupplies.co.nz

Mobile: 021 0805 3949
Phone: 09 527 4666
Email: dan@parksupplies.co.nz

Mobile: 021 243 7038
Phone: 09 527 4666
Email: adrian@parksupplies.co.nz
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