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Inclusive Spinner

Product Code: FS411
Physical Size: 2.3m DIA
Physical Height: 0.9m (above the surface)
Area Required: 6.5m DIA
Free Height of Fall: 0.9m
Age: 3-15 yrs
Capacity: 14
Use: Outdoor Recreation Areas

The Inclusive Spinner is a dynamic play element designed to ensure that everyone can join in the fun. This wheelchair-accessible spinner features a low, ground-level platform, making it easy for users to access. Its wide base plate provides ample room for multiple children to play and interact together at the same time.

Suitable for children aged 3 to 15 years, the Inclusive Spinner can accommodate up to 14 children at once, fostering social play and cooperation. The inclusive design ensures that all children, regardless of their abilities, can experience the joy of spinning and playing together.

The Inclusive Spinner is a fantastic addition to any playground, promoting inclusivity and providing a fun and engaging experience for children of all ages.


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