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0800 752 947


Product Code: CP53
Physical Size: 7.3mtr x 3.1mtr
Physical Height: 3.9mtr (above surface)
Loose Fill Surface Area Required: 10.3mtr x 6.0mtr
Synthetic Surface Area Required: 10.3mtr x 6.0mtr
Free Height of Fall: 2.1mtr
Age: 5-12 yrs
Capacity: 10
Post: Steel Only
Use: Outdoor Recreation Areas

SKU CP53 Category Tags , ,

The wonder of children playing is a joy to behold. Their imagination takes them to places far, far away. Children can spend hours playing imaginative games and their playground should ignite their sense of adventure and fun.
Park Supplies & Playgrounds will design a playground that ensures children get the imaginative play experience and the physical development activities they need to grow.


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