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Creating a Playful Paradise for Under-2s

In the field of playground creation and renovation, weaving accessibility and inclusivity into the design is not just an option—it’s essential. Every child, including those with physical or cognitive disabilities, deserves the joy of play, the freedom to explore, and the opportunity to engage in social interactions within a safe and accommodating playground environment.

Read on for tips on how to incorporate accessibility and inclusivity into your playground design and development.

A World of Wonder Awaits

Infants and toddlers are naturally curious and full of energy. Providing them with a safe, stimulating, and inviting environment is crucial for their development. At Park Supplies & Playgrounds, we understand the importance of creating play spaces tailored to their specific needs.

The Importance of Outdoor Play

Outdoor play is essential for the physical, cognitive, and social development of young children. It provides opportunities for exploration, discovery, and physical activity. When designing outdoor play spaces for infants and toddlers, it’s important to consider the following:

  • Safety First: Ensure that all equipment is age-appropriate, well-maintained, and free from hazards.
  • Variety: Offer a range of play experiences, including climbing, sliding, crawling, and sensory play.
  • Inclusivity: Cater to children of all abilities and developmental levels.
  • Natural Elements: Incorporate natural elements like trees, grass, and water features to encourage exploration and connection with the environment.

Key Play Equipment for Under-2s

  • Soft Play Areas: Provide soft mats, cushions, and play structures for crawling, rolling, and exploring.
  • Low-Level Climbing Structures: Offer safe and accessible climbing opportunities for developing gross motor skills.
  • Sensory Play Areas: Include sandpits, water tables, and tactile play materials to stimulate the senses.
  • Push and Pull Toys: Encourage early walking and motor skills.
  • Shade and Shelter: Provide protection from the sun and elements.

Key Safety Guidelines

  • Impact Absorbing Surfaces: For falls over 600mm or where forced movement is possible, tested impact-absorbing surfaces are mandatory.
  • Protective Surfacing: While impact-attenuated surfacing isn’t required for falls under 600mm with no forced movement, some form of protective surface should be provided.
  • Minimum Fall Heights: There are specific recommendations for minimum fall heights and corresponding safety surface requirements.
  • Overhead Events: If there’s a risk of a fall over 1000mm from an overhead event to a platform, a compliant safety surface is essential.

Using Grass

While grass can be a natural and attractive surface, it’s important to ensure it meets certain criteria:

  • Depth Test: The grass should be at least 150mm deep and free from stones or hard objects.
  • Wear and Tear: Areas of wear should be reinforced.
  • Monitoring: The use of the grass surface should be monitored regularly.
  • Maintenance: A good sward of grass should be maintained.

Nurturing Development Through Play

Play is a fundamental aspect of early childhood development. By providing age-appropriate play equipment, we can support infants and toddlers in reaching their physical, cognitive, and social milestones.

  • Physical Development: Encourage crawling, standing, walking, and balance.
  • Cognitive Development: Stimulate curiosity, problem-solving, and imagination.
  • Social Development: Promote social interaction, cooperation, and sharing.

Creating a playful and nurturing environment for infants and toddlers is essential for their healthy development. By investing in quality play equipment, you can provide a valuable resource for early childhood education centres and families alike.

Want to create an incredible playground for your space, but not sure where to start? Contact us today and let's get started, our experts will guide you through every step of the process. Contact 0800 752 947 or email

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