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The benefits of outdoor learning.

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The highly technology focussed world of 2022 has unfortunately led to an increase in sedentary time amongst children who are also spending less time outside due to concerns such as safety, traffic, crime, and other uncertainties. The follow-on effect to their development has included a dampening of social skills, physical skills, imagination, creativity, engagement with learning, concentration, and behaviour.

Children are happier and more engaged to learn in the classroom after playing outdoors.

“Several experimental studies show that school kids pay more attention to academics after they’ve had a recess–an unstructured break in which kids are free to play without direction from adults”
*Children feel a sense of freedom when outside the restricting walls of the classroom.

New Zealand schools have been quick to get on board with the global Outdoor Classroom Day, a twice-yearly initiative which provides children the opportunity for firsthand observation and understanding of their environment through direct engagement with the outdoors. By looking, touching, listening, and smelling they can make observations of the world around them, leading to questions and ideas which are then turned into child-led investigations and enquiries about how the world works.

Outdoor learning promotes self-expression and physical activity, it’s not just a way for children to let off steam, they also solve creative problems and return to the classroom with new ideas and creative solutions. To develop mentally well-balanced, creative, and adaptable children, who are ready for an ever-changing world, getting back to the basics of playing and learning outdoors is essential.


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