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Free play – why it’s essential and are we encouraging it enough?


There are no creative boundaries with free play.

Play is essential to a child’s development as it contributes significantly to their cognitive, physical, social and emotional well-being. In particular unstructured free play is crucial as it allows children the freedom to explore, create and discover without predetermined rules or guidelines.

Research into the consequences of play deprivation such as that of Dr Stuart L Brown* from the National Institute of Play (USA) supports a theory that sustained, moderate to severe play deprivation, particularly during the first 10 years of life, appears to link to emotional dysregulation and a lesser ability to handle stressful circumstances. As we prepare our children for a fastpaced environment beyond 2022, ensuring time for free play becomes even more important.

In recent years there has been a notable decline in children’s free play time due to busier lifestyles, increasing access to technology and a strong emphasis put on academic importance. More recently the worldwide pandemic has heightened the decline with the restriction of access to many activities including indoor events centres and outdoor playgrounds.

With children returning to the ECE and outdoors in the new term, free play can be re-introduced or ramped up, however it will help to firstly establish and understand what true free-play actually is. Children have a natural instinct to play and wherever children are free to play, they will. True free play involves any kind of unstructured, independent, spontaneous and self-regulated activity that encourages children to use their imagination.

A few perfect examples of free play are:

Free play in a well-equipped playground allows children to gain confidence as they learn how to solve their own problems and develop other social skills like sharing, listening to others’ ideas and compromise. Motor skills are developed further as
children run, jump, swing and climb on the play equipment, this form of play also promotes the ability to manage oneself and to achieve goals.

How does PlayBlox help facilitate free play?
Countless configurations ensure fresh challenges.

Play is essential to a child’s development as it contributes significantly to their cognitive, physical, social and emotional well-being. In particular unstructured free play is crucial as it allows children the freedom to explore, create and discover without predetermined rules or guidelines.

PlayBlox play equipment provides countless, reconfigurable play opportunities and encourages progression play with challenging activities for every developmental stage.

Our custom routered designs in English, Te Reo Maori, Samoan and Tongan promote higher sensory learning and are designed to inspire and educate. Colourful and bright, PlayBlox play panels ignite childrens’ imagination and creativity.

Our permanent play structures offer sturdy platforms from which to climb, jump and swing as well as enjoy role-play and storytelling.

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